Pauline Tours
Proposed Itinerary for a Pauline Tour to Turkey and Greece.
Istanbul |
The magnificent Sultan Ahmet Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque. |
St. Sophia Basilica or Hagia Sophia, as the Basilica is well known. |
Grand Bazaar (sheltered shopping market) with around 4,500 stores, 2 200 workshops and 490 stalls. |
Topkapi Palace - home of many Ottoman Sultans. |
We cross the border between Turkey and Greece and the next few days we travel by luxury tour bus from Kavala in northern Greece, through the Greek countryside al the way to Athens.
Visits include |
Kavala and a visit to the same port where Paul landed with his first visit to Greece in order to reach Philippi |
Philippi (Acts 16: 9) |
Via Ignatia's ancient road, the ruins where Paul was imprisoned. |
Lydia's House - The First Christian Woman in Europe (Acts 16:14) |
Thessaloniki. |
Veria (Beréa of the New Testament) |
Kalambaka where we visit the VARLAM and St. Stefanus Meteora monasteries, located on top of spectacular rock cliffs. |
Larissa, Lamia and Trikala to Delphi |
In Delphi we visit the museum with the famous items, some dating back to Paul's time. We also visit the Temple of Apollo, where Paul taught his listeners hat of the "Living God." |
The St Lukas monastery with its famous golden mosaic work |
Days 7 to 9 we go home in Athens and explore the surrounding area.
Highlights Include |
Overview of the city tour and visit, among others the famous New Acropolis Museum - about 15 000 m² in size. Athens - once the home of Socrates and Plato. |
Corinth. |
Free time at the Plaka (Athens) with quant and friendly shops or to enjoy a cup of coffee or glass of wine at one of the many street cafés. |
The next few days at leisure on board a luxury boat cruise between the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea.
4 Day Boat Cruise |
Mykonos |
Efese |
Patmos |
Crete |
Santorini |
Back in Greece we spend the last day in Athens.
We visit the Acropolis with the Parthenon as well as Areopagus where Paul gave his famous sermon on the identity of the "Unknown God" (Acts 17: 15-34). The rest of today you have spare time in Athens for last minute shopping and lazy visits before we depart home.
Voorgestelde reisplan vir Paulus toer na Turkeye en Griekeland.
Istanbul |
Die manjifieke Sultan Ahmet Moskee, ook bekend as die Blou Moskee |
Die St Sophia Basilika of die Hagia Sophia, soos die basilika algemeen bekend staan. |
Die ‘Grand Bazaar’ (onderdak inkopie mark) met sowat 4,500 winkels, 2 200 werkswinkels en 490 stalletjies. |
Die Topkapi Paleis – tuiste van menige Ottomaan Sultans. |
Die volgende paar dae reis die groep per luukse toerbus vanaf Kavala in Noord Griekeland, deur die Griekse platteland tot by Athene.
Besoeke sluit in |
Kavala en 'n besoek aan dieselfde hawe waar Paulus met sy eerste besoek aan Griekeland geland het om Filippi te bereik. |
Filippi (Hand 16:9). |
Via Ignatia antieke pad, die ruines waar Paulus in die tronk gevange gehou is. |
Lydia se woning – die eerste Christen vrou in Europa (Hand 16:14) |
Thessaloniki. |
Veria (Beréa van die Nuwe Testament). |
Kalambaka waar ons die VARLAAM en St. Stefanus Meteora kloosters, geleë bo-op imposante massiewe rotse, besoek. |
. Larissa, Lamia en Trikala tot by Delphi. |
In Delphi besoek ons die museum met die beroemde items, sommige dateer terug na die tyd van Paulus. Ons besoek ook die Tempel van Apollo, waar Paulus sy luisteraars geleer hat van die ‘Lewende God’. |
klooster van St Lukas met sy beroemde goue mosaikwerk. |
Dae 7 tot 9 gaan ons tuis in Athene en verken die omliggende omgewing.
Highlights Include |
Oorsigtelike stadstoer en besoek o.a. die beroemde Nuwe Acropolis Museum – sowat 15 000 m² in omvang. Atene – eens die tuiste van Sokrates en Plato. |
Korinte. |
Vrye tyd in Plaka (Athene) – stap tussen vriendelike winkeltjies en geniet ‘n koppie koffie by een van die talle straatkaffetjies. |
Ontspan, lekker kuier, heerlik eet en vakansie hou want ons gaan aan boord ‘n luukse Passasiersboot vir 'n 4 dae vaart tussen die Griekse eilande in die Egeïese see.
4 Dag Griekse Eiland Bootvaart |
Mykonos |
Efese |
Patmos |
Kreta |
Santorini |
Terug in Griekeland spandeer ons die laaste dag in Athene.
Ons besoek die Akropolis met die Partenon asook Areopagus waar Paulus sy beroemde preek gelewer oor die identiteit van die "die onbekende God" (Hand. 17:15-34). Dan gee ons jou die res van vandag bietjie vrye tyd in Athene vir laaste inkopies en luilekker kuier voor ons laatmiddag lughawe toe gaan vir ons terugvlug vannaand.