Israel & Bible Land Tours
Waaroor gaan 'n toer in Israel?
Beloofde Land - Heilige land - Israel
Die verbond wat God met Abraham gesluit het is van uiterste belang – selfs vandag nog – omdat dit die basis is waarvolgens die Jode hul land eis, en ons Christengeloof se wortels lê in hiérdie stuk aarde. Die ‘Heilige Land’ strek vanaf die Egiptiese grens tot by Sirië en vanaf die Mediterreense kus tot by die Oostelike kant van die Jordaan Vallei en die Dooie See.
Na 'n besoek aan Israel is daar oorweldigende beelde wat in jou gedagtes bly talm. Hoe beskryf 'n mens die oomblikke by die Klaagmuur in Jerusalem as jy tussen Ortodokse Jode staan wat, gesig teen die muur, hulle gebede hardop voor Jahweh prewel. Hul toegewyding en opregtheid is aangrypend, maar meer oorweldigend is die wete dat jy as Christen nie 'n gebedsboek nodig het of 'n briefie in die muur hoef te druk om met die Mesias - wat nie vêr van hier gekruisig is - te praat nie!
Soveel heilige plekke en oomblike wag op pelgrims. Neem byvoorbeeld die atmosfeer in die Tuin van Getsémané waar olyfbome uit Jesus se tyd stil getuies is van gebeure wat 2000 jr. gelede hier afgespeel het. Jy kan nie anders as om Jesus te hoor bid: “My Vader, as dit moontlik is, laat hierdie beker by My verbygaan...” En jy besef dat geen angs of vrees wat jy al ooit ervaar het naby hierdie groot offer kan kom nie.
Jy kyk van hier na die Tempelberg (Berg Moria) en hoor vêrlangs hoe Jesus oor Jerusalem geween het. (Luk. 19:41) Dieselfde berg waar Abraham vir Isak gebring het om sy enigste seun te offer (Gen. 22), dieselfde plek waar Salomo die eerste Tempel gebou het, met die deel van die tweede Tempel waar Jesus gestaan het toe Hy deur die Satan versoek is, vandag steeds in plek. (Matt. 4:5)
So gaan jy deur Israel. Wanneer jy in dieselfde sinagoge staan waar Jesus in Kapernaum geleer het, die Ein Gedi oase sien waarheen Dawid vir Absalom gevlug het en Psalms oor waterstrome geskryf het, en wanneer die enjins afgeskakel word tydens 'n bootvaart op die see van Galilea, kom daar 'n stilte - en beleef jy 'n Teenwoordigheid wat geen woorde kan beskryf nie. Dalk kan jy dieselfde ervarings in jou binnekamer of met 'n stappie langs die strand ervaar. Dalk. Maar om op dieselfde waters te dryf waarop Jesus gestap het en die storm stilgemaak het, maak dat geloof 'n heel nuwe betekenis vir jou kry.
Wanneer pelgrims die Bybellande besoek is Israel altyd die hoofbestemming, en meestal die enigste bestemming op hul reisplanne. Ons sluit graag ook omliggende lande soos Jordanië en Egipte in. Veral Jordanië is van groot belang as dit by ou testamentiese gebeure kom.
What is an Israel Tour all about?
Comments from one of our Tour Leaders
The Bible will become personal and "alive" in a unique way...
- To experience Gedi David's "living water" in the bar desert. Do you become still, or are you cheering? Or either?
- To be at Tabgha in the exact place where Jesus had his conversation with Peter, while the Sea of Galilee patted your feet.
- To become quiet in Getsemané (and no, not the commercialized Getsemané - the true one where you want to be quiet).
- To stand on Tabor, the Mount of Jesus' glorification; Or on Carmel - and looking out over the plain where the final battle will take place with the Second Coming.
- Or to have a meal at the Garden Grave; or allow Jordan to be your baptismal experience that no one can take away.

An Israel tour will take you to all the famous places and also to the unknown.
- Why does Jesus take His disciples as far north as Ceserea-Filippi? The reason will make you deeper in your beliefs.
- Under the Wailing Wall is one of the largest rocks built in Solomon's Temple. No one can give an explanation for that, because the Bible says there was no chisel used, just a dead silence with the construction industry. You can touch it.
- We go to the Clay Wall, of course, but the only place that has been retained is also the southern stairs, with its giant cleansing pools. You will see Acts become alive before your eyes.
- Like an almost unthinkable experience on top of the Temple Mount. It can be like heaven. (I look extremely forward to that!)
- Very few people realize that next to the Birth Cave of Jesus in Bethlehem, there is also another cave that played a major role in the expansion of Christianity. Your experience here will give you goosebumps.
Israel is a pilgrimage. An experience.

Willem Botha
Didasko Bible School (One of our Tour Leaders)
The Bible will become personal and "alive" in a unique way...
- To experience Gedi David's "living water" in the bar desert. Do you become still, or are you cheering? Or either?
- To be at Tabgha in the exact place where Jesus had his conversation with Peter, while the Sea of Galilee patted your feet.
- To become quiet in Getsemané (and no, not the commercialized Getsemané - the true one where you want to be quiet).
- To stand on Tabor, the Mount of Jesus' glorification; Or on Carmel - and looking out over the plain where the final battle will take place with the Second Coming.
- Or to have a meal at the Garden Grave; or allow Jordan to be your baptismal experience that no one can take away.
An Israel tour will take you to all the famous places and also to the unknown.
- Why does Jesus take His disciples as far north as Ceserea-Filippi? The reason will make you deeper in your beliefs.
- Under the Wailing Wall is one of the largest rocks built in Solomon's Temple. No one can give an explanation for that, because the Bible says there was no chisel used, just a dead silence with the construction industry. You can touch it.
- We go to the Clay Wall, of course, but the only place that has been retained is also the southern stairs, with its giant cleansing pools. You will see Acts become alive before your eyes.
- Like an almost unthinkable experience on top of the Temple Mount. It can be like heaven. (I look extremely forward to that!)
- Very few people realize that next to the Birth Cave of Jesus in Bethlehem, there is also another cave that played a major role in the expansion of Christianity. Your experience here will give you goosebumps.
Israel is a pilgrimage. An experience.
Willem Botha
Didasko Bible School (One of our Tour Leaders)
Promised Land - Holy Land - Israel
The covenant that God made with Abraham is of utmost importance as it is the basis for the Jews claiming their land and one of the important roots of our Christian faith. The 'Holy Land' extends from the Egyptian border to Syria and from the Mediterranean coast to the eastern side of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea.
After a visit to Israel overwhelming images remains in your mind. How do you describe the moments at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem when you stand with Orthodox Jews whispering their prayers before Yahweh. Their devotion and sincerity are inspirational but knowing that we as Christians do not need a prayer shawl or small little written prayer pressed into the wall to be able to talk to the Messiah who was crucified not very far from here!
So many holy places and moments awaits pilgrims. Take the atmosphere in the Garden of Gethsemane where olive trees from Jesus' time are silent witnesses of events 2000 years ago. You can still hear Him pray: "My Father, if possible, let this cup pass by Me ..." and you realize that no fear you've ever experienced can come near this great sacrifice.
From here you have a view on Temple Mount (Mount Moria). The same view Jesus saw when He wept over Jerusalem. (Luke 19:41) The same mountain where Abraham brought Isaac to sacrifice his only son (Gen. 22)and the exact same place where Solomon built the first Temple. Today the part of the second Temple where Jesus stood as he He was tempted by Satan is still in place today (Matthew 4: 5).
And so you go through Israel. When you sit in the exact same synagogue where Jesus taught in Capernaum, Experience the tranquility at the Ein Gedi oasis where David had to hide from Saul and wrote many of his Psalms, and when the silence during a boat ride on the sea of Galilee grips you, you experience a presence that cannot be described in words. Some say you can experience this any ware and perhaps you could, but to drift on the same waters where Jesus walked and stopped the storm, will make your understanding and beliefs real.
When pilgrims visit the Bible Lands, Israel is our primary destination and many times the only destination on itineraries. We also suggest you include surrounding countries like Jordan and Egypt. Particularly Jordan is of great importance when it comes to old testamentary.